Bealtaine Fire Lightning & Ancient Social Distancing, Irish Style (video)

Such hope for the world– from the heart of Ireland!
Below is an email from a customer, Tracey, in Ireland, who purchased a drum (pictured above before I sent it) for her husband Barry a few years back. We’ve kept in touch since then (see previous post here), and today she forwarded a video link featuring a beautiful hilltop fire ritual performed during Bealtaine… for thousands of years! See if doesn’t reach down inside of you to tweak those ancient DNA memories you may carry. And even if it doesn’t do that, just watch as a farmer who is “Keeper of the Hill” shares a message of hope and strength in these trying times, mirroring even the old Celts who once practiced social distancing across the remote Irish terrain. All while a bagpiper plays in the distance.
The video link is near the end of the email:
Greetings from Ireland, Bob,
I sincerely hope you are well & healthy in these strange times.
The official lighting of the Bealtaine fire took place tonight on the hill of Uisneach- in the centre of Ireland. In ancient times this heralded the arrival of summer & the end of the dark days of winter. It was a – and still is – a symbol of hope & renewal.
When the fire on Uisneach was seen lighting, other fires were lit on the mountains around…the ancient people celebrating together, though far apart. Never has this been more poignant than now!
I attach a link to the live recording of the fire on Facebook. Due to Covid 19 the usual fire festival had to be cancelled but the hill keeper who owns the land kindly decided to go ahead & light the fire himself.
I attach a link to the video feed & also thought you’d like to know that The Green Man (drum) was in fine song at our fire here at home also 😊!!
Beaneachtaí na mBealtaine leat,
Tracey & Barry
Aho & Namaste,