The Joy of Making Your Own Gourd Rattle

There is nothing like making your own sacred helper instruments. I’ve said this countless times here on the blog and on the Thunder Valley Drums Website. But until you see proof of
it, you could remain skeptical.
Well, behold the proof!
Katherine (left) and Rosemary set aside a special day to make rattles for their shamanic practice, then shared this wonderful photo of their success.
Katherine writes, “Thought you might enjoy seeing this photo of Rosemary and me. We made our rattles this past Sunday and I think we were both pleased to have shared in making our first sacred tool together Your manual was very helpful in terms of helping me know what to gather for the rattle and how to see the whole process as sacred.”
Katherine said they are waiting to complete decorating their rattles (even though I think the rattles are beautiful now–along with their makers, of course!) until they find inspiration during their next shamanism class out in nature in New York state. A wise choice, indeed.
There are other benefits, too, to making your own gourd rattle. For example, you end up with a handful of gourd seeds, so you can grow more gourd rattles for life and to share! But next to having a special healing tool that you make yourself, the best benefit is obvious in the photo— and is guaranteed when you make your own rattle— and that is the smiles. One can’t help but smile at such an accomplishment, and in knowing that such joy forms the basis of helping others during sacred ceremony.
Thanks, Katherine and Rosemary!
Aho & Namaste,
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