A New Shaman Lightning Drum for a Restless Healer

Let’s face it. We are all seekers. You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t.
We are looking for answers, and despite the explosion of information available to us in this modern era, we can’t find what we’re looking for. Deep down inside is that persistent urge, seek!
Sometimes it gnaws at us, sometimes it screams, and we do our best to suppress it. But it sneaks around the blockade in our minds because it originates in the heart. It is trying to spur action!
Every shamanic healer I’ve ever met is one of us. Male or female, no difference. Each is a seeker with a restless heart.
It’s a little like the classic novel Call of the Wild by Jack London. The central character, a domesticated dog in California named Buck, faces a sudden crises when he is kidnapped and forced to pull sleds in the brutal Yukon. Eventually, disturbing dreams begin to link him back to his more feral, ancestral past where brute instinct was the natural order. He longs to understand the quickening urges he feels when he senses the mysterious call of the wild and the promise of freedom.
Of course, the tale mimics the struggle of life itself, at least for humans. It’s not knowing yet sensing the elusive purpose in our lives that makes us restless. And natural born healers are the epitome of that very human trait, first when they sense a purpose but can’t identify it, then when they stumble into it and can’t figure a way forward. That’s the part where we get stuck in our heads and can’t find our hearts. Restless to a fault!
That’s where the Untamed Heart Drum comes in. It taught me these things while we were together. These drums always visit with me, whether in dreamtime or during their physical birth. We communicate in spirit, sometimes well before they assume their physical forms, because they know who they are. They have a clear sense of purpose.
This drum– oh! It emphatically knew its purpose long before I began working on its body. It helped me to finally understand the real reason why healers are so gritty and restless. And unconventional. (For more about this, see the Untamed Heart Drum’s page on the main Thunder Valley Drums site.)
Shamanism is the path of the spiritual healer, for it deals with returning balance to one whose spirit suffers. In order to attain acumen as a spiritual healer, however, one must rise above the head and learn to be with Spirit through the heart. Talk about a restless pursuit! It sounds as if you must be out of your mind to achieve it!
In truth, it’s exactly the opposite. The simple reality is that to be the spiritual healer you know yourself to be, you need only set your heart free from the imprisoning chains imposed by your ego and by the society that expects your conformity. Yes, there are reasons for a healthy ego and for conforming to certain civil norms. Beyond that, though, the fact is that the majority of illness in our society springs out of a person’s unbalanced ego, repression of interior desires in the name of conformity, flailing philosophical beliefs and the resulting bad habits that erode an innate connection with Spirit.
The symptoms show up everywhere. Look around.
Society is ill. The great philosopher and astrologer, Jessica Murray (MotherSky.com) , calls America a “soul sick” society. I agree. And it’s becoming more obvious that the sickness is spreading here and beyond our shores. Worse, conventional methods of dealing with this spiritual crisis are flagging. The soul evades convention, for it is not of this place. Thus, it is virtually impossible to treat the unconventional with the conventional.
So, even if you are working right now to learn about spiritual healing, or are an active healer, it is no wonder you feel restless. There is much soul work to be shared.
I humbly suggest one simple reminder to ease your path: Let your heart go to its natural state…
Aho & Namaste,
Bob, thank you –for not only bringing this awesome drum into existence–but for giving words to something I feel but have been unable to put a finger on!! This is it!!! When you say, “The simple reality is that to be the spiritual healer you know yourself to be, you need only set your heart free from the imprisoning chains imposed by your ego and by the society that expects your conformity” I admit tthere is this hidden struggle going on and you have identified it! And when you can identify the problem you then have the chance to work on the solution. Which, I think, ain’t easy because you are SO right. I notice how society is extremely insistent that its madness is normal and that to break out is abnormal.
“We are looking for answers, and despite the explosion of information available to us in this modern era, we can’t find what we’re looking for. Deep down inside is that persistent urge, seek!”
Many thanks, Brother, for what you say here. I will listen to my own heart and give myself permission to seek.
Greetings, Jonathon, and thank you for sharing your thoughts. You really did get to the center of the article, actually to a place inferred but not mentioned, and that is “permission.” Vitally important. It’s the breakthrough point when you allow the heart to guide.
Best of luck in your journeys, my friend.
Aho & Namaste,