The Warrior Goddess Drum, Sacred Healing Ally

Sorry I haven’t written for a while. It’s a busy time in the ol’ drum shop! Here’s why… The Warrior Goddess Drum, a rare Lightning-Struck beauty, is one of the best Lightning-Struck drums I’ve made…

Real Drums from Thunder Valley

What would it be like if Thunder Valley Drums had been featured in some of the old pulp novels of yesteryear? Here’s an old illustration re-purposed to give you an idea! A real cliffhanger, eh?…

Video, How To Buy A Shamanic Drum

Here’s a new video I just posted on YouTube about how to choose the perfect sacred drum for yourself (or others!) from Thunder Valley Drums. It was compiled online through a new service, Moovly, which…

A Truckload of Lightning

The body is tired, but the heart is strong! Today we cut and brought home a truckload of lightning! The lightning-struck tree I’ve been writing about for the past two years is now fully ready…

The Hummingbird and The Healers

It’s been said if you don’t want to work, do something you love. Well, I’m doing what I love, and it’s easy to see why when I get the pleasure of making new friends around…