NEW! Flipping for Drums!

I am so happy to bring you an experiment. Just discovered a very cool site that turns files into a FLIPBOOK, so here goes… “Some Drum Love”!

(Simply press the “Click to read” button below)

You can see many Thunder Valley Drums photos that I don’t have room for on the website, as well as learn a little more about where the drums are and what they’re doing with healers around the world. Fun!

This started as an experiment for me, but you can bet I’ll be using it again! You can do it too, and share with family and friends just like I’m doing here. (Best of all, the basic service is offered for free!)


Aho & Namaste,

2 thoughts on “NEW! Flipping for Drums!

  1. Liz

    Nice drums! 🙂

    1. Bob

      Thank you, Liz!

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