Spiritual Superhero Week Flashback 3
This is the third flashback from a short five-day series of superhero ads I ran in 2012. You can read more about the series in the first two flashbacks. Here’s the original post from Jan. 18, 2012.
It’s Day Three and I’m gettin’ my groove on!
I guess by now you know I’m hoping to resurrect some superheros of old and give them a chance to discover their own innate spiritual awareness while they battle the forces of E-vil. They’ve always stood for justice (more or less), but had to rely on superpowers, muscle, guns and dyn-o-mite to bring it about!
So now they face a new challenge, how to bring about change to a world that is now so much more bizarre and even more violent than when they flew the skies or slapped leather, and to do so in the name of peace, healing, and compassion! Good grief!
Instead of fighting to a drumbeat of violence, they now must follow the gentle rhythm of the shamanic drum and take a journey to the realization that we are all One, and that their true superpower is love.
It can happen, ya’ know. You have the superpower.
Now, on with DAY THREE of Spiritual Superhero Week!