Spiritual Superhero Week Flashback 5

This is the fifth flashback from a five-day series of superhero posts I ran in 2012. You can read more about the series in the first two flashbacks. This post is fun for several reasons,…

Spiritual Superhero Week Flashback

Wow! The blog has suddenly exploded with posts! I am moving posts over from the old blog, and so far have over 100. I can’t help but share a trip down memory lane with you,…

New Spaces and Places for Thunder Valley Drums

Well, I’m making progress with the new blog! The target date for full launch is June 25, 2014, so I’m working hard to make sure we’re ready to fly. Meantime, of course, I continue to…

The Warrior Goddess Drum, Sacred Healing Ally

Sorry I haven’t written for a while. It’s a busy time in the ol’ drum shop! Here’s why… The Warrior Goddess Drum, a rare Lightning-Struck beauty, is one of the best Lightning-Struck drums I’ve made…

Make Your Own Shamanic Tools For Powerful Spiritual Healing

  I’m gradually adding more and more focus with Thunder Valley Drums on helping you to make your own shaman and spiritual gear. There is nothing more satisfying— and empowering— than making something with your…