The Warrior Who Drums for Peace

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The original image (since modified) came from “Cartoons by Homer C. Davenport,” De Witt Publishing Company, New York, 1898. Source:


(This updated article first appeared in my previous blog, but it is still timely, as once again the talk of war, this time in the Ukraine and/or a dozen other places, is in the air. Will there ever be a time when it isn’t?)

I’m making a drum for a sky warrior, a pilot who, as I write this, is deployed in a far off battle zone. He flies in defense of freedom and to thwart tyranny. We held him in our drum circle the other night, and continue to hold a sacred seat for him, even knowing that it is doubtful he will ever visit America and physically join the circle. He lives in and flies under the flag of his own country. But he is in the circle nonetheless.

I’ve written much in the past about quieting the drums of war, and in fact, just mentioned it in my previous post about the drum circle. And I think he would agree. The last thing warriors want is conflict. But if it comes, he and comrades like him around the globe stand arm in arm against the forces of oppression.

However, the fact is that there are those who profit handsomely from war, and it is a very large part of our economy. And it seems as if wars are sometimes waged in the name of profit, as oppression is merely a feigned reason for taking up arms. And thus people of the world so often go to war because of its economic benefits.

He told me he wanted to use the drum when he goes hiking with his family, or when he needs some time by himself to replenish his energy and spiritual connection. He enjoys the freedom of it, he told me. What a beautiful idea, and what a wonderful example of warriorship.

We pray for his — and all warriors’— safety, and hope, with all due respect, that the day will come when all warriors will know the peace they fight for and seek.

Is it possible? In such a calamitous world, it certainly seems not.

But we are not of this world, merely visitors on extended stay. So, we have powers as yet unknown to our conscious selves, but capable of influencing this place. And when we enter the altered state of awareness through the active meditation practice of drumming, we can learn of the ways to engage these powers in the service of peace.

People don’t understand that peace is good for the economy, too, and offers far more benefits  to citizens than any war machine. So call forth your power now and be the change for peace along with this warrior. When the drums of war are silenced, and when all warriors drum for peace, we will know peace.

We pray for it happen this minute, this second.

peaceful drum
A medicine drum leans serenely against a tree in the springtime.

The warrior for whom I make a drum, and others like him, are leading the way. May Hawk and Eagle fly with them. And I ask Spirit to guide my hands in making his drum, that it may sound peace for all.

Aho & Namaste,


Copyright 2014, Thunder Valley Drums, All Rights Reserved

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