Time: Between The Tick And The Tock & And Mother Earth

Greetings, Dear Friend.

It’s hard for me to believe, but somehow it’s 2019! So, Happy New Year!

I am reminded once again how elusive is time, fleeting, mercurial, elusive. I often wonder if it is real at all. For sure there are circumstances when it doesn’t appear to exist, like during a shamanic journey. New vistas of reality open when one enters into that experience, a place without time, or at least where time is not what it seems to be here in everyday waking hours. In a journey, one moves in between time, twixt the tick and the tock, an interstitial loci of space and Spirit.

This video, which I did several years back, came from a particular shamanic journey that was intended to be exploratory in nature. Not all journeying aims at ceremony or healing. Rather, it’s available for expeditions too, when one wishes to engage with the greater reality. So I held a general intention of learning more about the Earth Mother and drummed my way into the timeless spaces. Here’s the result.

I think this is a good theme for the blog in 2019: time for Mother Earth. I’ll give that some more thought.

Aho & Namaste,

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